osu! King of Tablets? XP Pen G640 Review and Specs comparison to the 480,471! VelocityFTW 7:41 6 years ago 43 799 Далее Скачать
PRO OSU PLAYER REVEALS THE BEST TABLET FOR THE GAME BTMC Clips 1:12 7 months ago 27 953 Далее Скачать
[5.44 ⭐] karimovic | Hanataba - Night of Knights [DJPops Extra Stage] +HD 98.37% osu!Dz 2:41 2 days ago 12 Далее Скачать
I Tried Tablet for a Week After 1000 Hours of Mouse... Here's What Happened KAPNOYR 7:00 1 year ago 26 604 Далее Скачать
So I Switched to a New Tablet for osu!.. (Wacom 480 vs 472) KoiFishu 7:14 4 years ago 262 407 Далее Скачать